April 25th, 2023
X11 Server setup
					User KRFB 
or alternatively use this
RDC Remote deskop settings

// == Start the x11vnc server ====
> x11vnc -norc -forever -shared -bg -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -geometry 1366x768 -allow 192.168.1. -autoport 5900

// == Use laptop resolution
> x11vnc -norc -forever -shared -bg -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -geometry 1260x700 -allow 192.168.1. -autoport 5900

// == ReadOnly view
> x11vnc -norc -forever -shared -bg -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -geometry 1260x700 -allow 192.168.1. -autoport 5900 -viewonly

// == Stop the server
> /usr/bin/killall x11vnc
// -- OR ---
> x11vnc -R stop

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